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Gulf Tech Elevators

We do not just build, we generate as client requirements.

Complete solution of Vertical and horizontal transport system.

Monday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
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Stair Lifts Introduction

Stair Lifts

A stair lift is a motorized chair that travels along a rail mounted to the treads of stairs. A stair lift is one of easiest and least expensive ways to make your home more accessible and safer. Simple stair lifts, sometimes called stair chairs, service 2 floors. It is possible to install stair lifts that travel over more complex staircases and even travel to more than 2 floors, using a curved stairlift.

Once you install a stair lift, you eliminate the barrier of stairs and you greatly reduce your risk of falling. The rider should be able to get on and off the chair independently, or with assistance in the form of a walker or cane only. Typically, a stair lift is not a good solution for someone in a wheelchair.

A stair lift has a motor, with a battery powered system that is charged automatically either through the rail itself or in charging stations mounted on the rail at the top and bottom landings. The benefit to the battery system is that the lift can be operated a few times even during a power outage.

A stair lift is also called a stairlift, a stair chair, a chair lift, a stairway lift, or by trade names such as “Stair Glide.” Stair lift designs are very similar by all manufacturers in their basic construction – there’s a seat on a motorized carriage and travel rail on the stairs. Our models feature various options to meet your needs, and we always strive to provide the best possible service. if you have any questions or concerns about our products or services Contact us today.

Stair Lifts Advantage

Stairlifts are available to fit different types of staircases such as straight stairs and those with curves and landings. The benefits of installing a stairlift include:

  • Enhances accessibility indoors and outdoors: There are straight stairlifts as well as curved stair lifts and they can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Users can move from floor to floor with just with a click of a button. They can access any part of their home easily with a stairlift.
  • Prevents accidents: Stairs pose a challenge for the elderly and anyone with mobility issues. But with a stairlift, they can move from level to level safely and comfortably. Installing a stairlift reduces the risk of fall trips and falls on stairs.
  • Provides a sense of independence and confidence: A stairlift will give seniors and people with mobility concerns a sense of confidence. With this device in place, they can move about in their home freely without having depend on another person.
  • Easily installed: One may think installing a stairlift as a laborious task that involves modification to your house, building work mess, damage to the structure of the staircase, and so on. But the truth is that it takes only drilling of a few holes to install the treads and the stairlift.
  • Allows seniors to stay in your own home: When seniors are unable to navigate around their homes with ease due loss of mobility that comes with aging, they may be forced to retire to a nursing home sooner than is necessary. Getting a stairlift installed allows them to retain their mobility and stay in their own home.

Keep seniors safely distanced: Seniors need to be safely distanced and isolated from external visitors as they are susceptible to COVID-19. Installing a stairlift allows elders to perform a wide range of tasks without assistance and helps them go about their daily routine in a safe way.

Stair Lifts Features

  • Folding Seat & Footrest: Reduces the space taken up by the stairlifts when it’s not in use. Keeps things tidy and allows other members of the household to use the staircase impeded. The folding seat allows users who cannot bend their knees to use the stairlift. This design also works well on very restricted staircases.
  • Locking Key Switch: Disable the stairlift at the turn of a key to prevent unauthorized use.
  • Safety Belt: The integral seat belt will ensure you are safe and secure on your stairlift.
  • DC Battery: A DC Battery is the power behind your chair. Being battery operated allows the lift to be quiet, smooth and there is no risk of wires becoming tangled or receiving an electric shock.
  • Infrared Remote: Call your lift! Summon your lift to your feet as required.
  • Safety Edge: The mechanical sensors on the main edge gently halt the stairlift if an obstacle is detected in its projected path.
Stair Lift Technical Specification

How a Stair Lift Works

A typical stair lift uses a rack and pinion system. The motor turns a gear (pinion) that interlocks with the toothed rack, moving the carriage up or down the rail. Safety mechanisms such as the overspeed governor ensure that the carriage does not move down the rail too fast. The motor is powered by a battery that is charged on standard household power.